A question I hear every day is "When will my child's baby tooth fall out?" This is an excellent chart to refer to as a guideline of when you can expect to see adult teeth starting to emerge.

Some children loose and gain teeth earlier or later than others, however, it is important to keep track of your child's development because a delay can be a signal that a tooth is erupting on the wrong path or possibly stuck (impacted) due to crowding or a jaw imbalance. This is why Dr. David Baker at Baker Orthodontics like to see children around the ages of 3-5 so that he can start assessing your child's growth and development and help prevent any issues that may otherwise occur if not monitored.

Dr.Baker offers complimentary consultations for any age. Give us a call today and we can help your child ensure they will have the best chance possible for a healthy, beautiful smile! Portland Office: 503-292-9192 Vancouver Office: 360-891-6500